Friday, February 5, 2010

DAY 8 - Shabbat (I guess it should be Day 7, but it wasn't)

Hi, all. Well, it's been almost a month since we returned, and guess what - it's harder and harder to remember the details of these last couple of days. But, I shall do my best!

Jordana slept over at the apartment on Friday night, and we woke up early to go to shul, even though she clearly didn't feel very well. We walked to Beit Yehudit (which is Jordana's Hebrew name), which was a lovely, modern orthodox shul, where women did everything except read Torah, including the haftarah and the dvar torah. Everyone sang all of the songs, so beautifully, and in harmony. It was a really lovely and spiritual experience. On the negative side, it bothered me that the little kids, who could roam freely on both sides of the mechitsa, were simply sent back to their mothers when they got fidgety, and also, no one actually said hello to us. But, the services were lovely, and fast! and the outdoor paper cup and cookie kiddush was nice. The best part was that I got to meet more of Jordana's friends (since Beit Yehudit is a favorite amongst the Nativers) and also Yossi, who runs the Nativ program in Israel. Despite the fact that Jordana was ailing, we both really enjoyed the 20 minute or so walk there and back. The weather, as it was most of the week, was gorgeous.

While we were at shul, MB and B went off to a working archeological dig at Beit Guvrin. I saw their photos and heard about it, and it was a great place. I'll have to check it out next time!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (i.e., Levi Street), Jordana and I ate some delicious leftovers from Shabbat dinner for lunch, and then J had to take a nap. The nap lasted about 4 hours, during which I sat and relaxed and read my book. A nice restful Shabbat.

Around 5, MB and B returned, J awoke, and we all got ready to go out for dinner. We hit Ben Yehuda street and did a little more shopping, and J led us through some cool alleyways to a restaurant that was like a book shop - really cute! J- what was the name of it?? The food was a little inconsistent, but I would go back and just order differently. I had the pear and roquefort ravioli, and it was a little bitter.

Then we, of course, had gelato, and wandered around Ben Yehuda in search of a small duffle for Jordana to take on her trip to Italy. By this time, many stores were closed, but we found the perfect little bag, and J hondled, and she got it. Next, it was off to Agron Street to help her finish her packing, because she had to leave early in the morning, and was a little panicked. We got the job done, left B there for one last night out in Jlem, and headed back to Levi St. for a glass of wine and review of activities for the next day, our last day in Eretz Yisroel. Finally, we picked up B and went to bed. Not the most exciting day, but still a wonderful day.

P.S. the photo of the challahs was taken at Marzipan in the shuk the previous day. But, I thought it was an appropriate photo for today's blog entry!

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